
Winners !

Como's Chamber of Commerce chose Whoisper as the winner of "Call from the Idea to the Company 2011"

Wired: Whoisper, connect the companies

From a startup in Milan, a social network that connects those looking for a product or service ... Dettagli

Meet us at Milan's SMAU !

From the 19th to the 21st of October we'll be at Milan's SMAU. You can get a free invite going to this link and registering to the event. Everyone is invited!

ComoNExT incubator

Whoisper is being inserted into ComoNExt's technology park business incubator program

Meet us at Padova's SMAU BUSINESS!

On the 4th and 5th of May we'll be at Padova's SMAU BUSINESS. You can get an invite going to this link and registering to the event. Everyone is invited!

Internet strategic factor for the Italian economy and SMEs

According to the report " Internet Factor: How the Internet is transforming the Italian economy ", the Italian web is 2% of gross domestic product (GDP), amounting to 31.6 billion euro . The Boston Consulting Group study, commissioned by Google, examines the impact of Internet technologies in business and the relationship between Web and SMEs. ... Dettagli

The Italian Internet economy is worth 2% of GDP

In 2015 will come to at least 3.3%. Fattori cruciali per lo sviluppo: le pmi online e il mobile commerce. Crucial factors for the development: SMEs online and mobile commerce. The BCG report on Italy for Google. ... Dettagli

A Dynamic eBusiness Environment for Europe

By enabling companies to sell to consumers and work with partners without being physically present, eBusiness is essential to helping European companies - particularly SMEs - take advantage of the Single Market, driving prices down and bringing "Europe's Best" to the world. ... Dettagli